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The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making
Sex mistakes aren’t limited to calling out an ex’s name during orgasm or answering your phone mid-thrust. Let’s take a look at the top 10 sex mistakes that thousands of lovers around the globe are still making. Recognize any of these?

The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making

Sex Mistakes To Avoid 

1. Poor Personal Hygiene
If you don’t bother to keep your intimate areas as clean as possible, chances are your partner won’t enjoy sex with you as much as you’d hope. They may start finding reasons not to visit those areas at all. So, wash regularly and please: keep it clean.

2. Believing Sex Myths
The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making Feel like you have to have sex like a porn star or be the next Christian Grey and Ana Steele?

In reality, not everyone has (or wants) a Red Room of Pain, a bleached anus or regularly waxed genitals. Lose the unnecessary guilt due to silly sex myths -and feel proud that you’re keeping it real with your partner.

3. Piling On The Pressure
You think the dry humping and roaming fingers is endearingly playful, but they’re secretly wondering how to tell you to back off. When you’re receiving body language signals that they’re not in the mood, drop it.
And under no circumstances should you ever guilt or emotionally blackmail for sex. That’s really not sexy*.

4. Not Communicating
The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making You think your sex life’s great, you have sex all the time. But wait… when was the last time you talked about your sex life outside the bedroom?

Honest and relaxed discussion about your fantasies and desires offers the chance to reveal what you really want, as well as highlighting any areas you both feel need some improvement.

5. Bad Timing
What do I mean by bad timing being one of those common sex mistakes? Bad sex timing could mean showing a lack of spontaneity in your sex life, or not planning enough time for sex in an otherwise busy life.

If you always have sex on the same day every week, at the same time, or feel that you simply don’t have enough time to get passionate with your partner, it’s definitely time to sort it out. Break the monotony.

6. Being Unprepared
We’ve all been there.

The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making-You’re worked up, he’s ready to enter – but where are the condoms?

- You grab your favourite “guaranteed orgasm” sex toy – but the batteries are dead.

- They’re begging you to bind their wrists and have your way with them – but you can’t for the life of you remember where you put those new bondage cuffs.

Being prepared is the key to hiccup-free sex, whether it’s having enough lubricant and batteries, making sure the condom drawer is topped up or regularly re-organising your sex toys and bondage gear collection.

7. Zero Imagination
When you’re comfortable with your partner it’s easy to allow sex to become a habit., to stick with your tried and tested way and nothing else. Unfortunately, any comfort is short-lived when you realise that your sex life has become stale and boring, and one or both of you suffers a loss of interest.

Spice it up with some kinky role-play, wearing new sexy lingerie or simply changing the location to a different room. Read 7 Ways To Recapture Your Honeymoon Sex Life for more in-depth advice.

8. Thinking Ejaculation = End Of Sex
He ejaculates, he rolls over, he goes to sleep. Done. Sound familiar?

The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making Ejaculation shouldn’t necessarily signal the end of sex. Women (in particular, but not limited to) usually require a more stimulating sex session than simply being the recipient of a few cock-thrusts.

Ensure both of you enjoy a fully rounded sex session that meets your needs. For example, you could spend time treating each other to a very thorough erotic massage session during foreplay. Or spice it up with some fantasy-indulgent roleplay before sexual intercourse. And don’t ruin your good work by losing interest after ejaculation – ensure that the other person’s needs continue to be met to their complete satisfaction.

9. No Dirty Talk
The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Making In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to let physical stimulation overtake the ability to concentrate and communicate. The room may end up silent other than carnal grunting and sex-related squelching.

However, investing in some key “dirty talk” phrases can really ramp up the temperature. As a bonus, dirty talk reveals what you’re really thinking to your partner, as well as the effort involved being a compliment in itself. Yes, indulging in dirty talk can lead to some truly spectacular sex.

Related posts:
Talking Dirty: How, Why & What’s The Big Deal
Dirty Talk Tips: Using Your Words In Role Play
Dirty Talk Tips With Quiet People & The People Who Love Them

10. Faking It
Despite the widespread focus on & availability of sex education, a shift towards greater sexual liberation and positivity, people still feel the need to fake orgasms.

The Top 10 Sex Mistakes People Are Still Faking an orgasm is not only dishonesty to your partner and disrespect to yourself, it also stifles any sex life improvements which could otherwise happen. Instead of faking, talk and make the efforts required towards mutual satisfaction during sex. And remember that good sex doesn’t necessarily include orgasms.
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